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What is your opinion of the American Society of Interior Designers (or ASID)?

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Question: What is your opinion of the American Society of Interior Designers (or ASID)?
Top Answer (56% of 65 votes): Favorable.

Answer: Neutral
Explanation: Never have needed or used them to attract Clients.
Earth in Miind Design
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: The American Society of Interior Designers does a good job of providing continuing education and lobbying power to the individual designer that would not otherwise have a voice in the legal aspects of our industry.
Sage Key Interiors
Answer: Neutral
Explanation: Like any professional Association, it has its perks. It is not an affiliation required, and for commercial designers, we often are members of IIDA (International Interior Designers Association)
San Diego Office Design
Answer: Neutral
Explanation: It's not something that is required for designers. Its merely just a pro organization that doesn't distinguish a professional designer from the next.
Studio Tumo LLC
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Though they do require dues, which some designers do not want to pay, they will only accept membership applications from designers who have a formal education... this assures proper training and competency in the field.
Linda Elkins Designs
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: I'm a professional member
BK Design Associates
Answer: Favorable
Explanation: Any credentials and experience that a design firm has studied and researched is a benefit to the end user,,Ofcource feild experience is the ultimate way to apply your skills
North Coast interiors
Answer: Neutral
Explanation: Most designers are good at selections of colors and furniture etc. They are generally not qualified to design rooms including kitchens, bathrooms etc.
Relux Construction LLC
Answer: Neutral
Explanation: As long as their charter does not interfere with that of the AIA they have a right to organize
MasterWorks Design International, Inc.
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