What is your opinion of the American Society of Interior Designers (or ASID)? | Favorable | 56% | Neutral | 36% | No opinion/Never heard of them | 6% | | | Question: What is your opinion of the American Society of Interior Designers (or ASID)? Top Answer (56% of 65 votes): Favorable.
Answer: Neutral Explanation: Never have needed or used them to attract Clients. | Earth in Miind Design | Answer: Favorable Explanation: The American Society of Interior Designers does a good job of providing continuing education and lobbying power to the individual designer that would not otherwise have a voice in the legal aspects of our industry. | Sage Key Interiors | Answer: Neutral Explanation: Like any professional Association, it has its perks.
It is not an affiliation required, and for commercial designers, we often are members of IIDA (International Interior Designers Association) | San Diego Office Design | | ProMatcher | Answer: Neutral Explanation: It's not something that is required for designers. Its merely just a pro organization that doesn't distinguish a professional designer from the next. | Studio Tumo LLC | Answer: Favorable Explanation: Though they do require dues, which some designers do not want to pay, they will only accept membership applications from designers who have a formal education... this assures proper training and competency in the field. | Linda Elkins Designs | Answer: Favorable Explanation: I'm a professional member | BK Design Associates | | ProMatcher | Answer: Favorable Explanation: Any credentials and experience that a design firm has studied and researched is a benefit to the end user,,Ofcource feild experience is the ultimate way to apply your skills | North Coast interiors | Answer: Neutral Explanation: Most designers are good at selections of colors and furniture etc. They are generally not qualified to design rooms including kitchens, bathrooms etc. | Relux Construction LLC | Answer: Neutral Explanation: As long as their charter does not interfere with that of the AIA they have a right to organize | MasterWorks Design International, Inc. | | ProMatcher |