Design Tip: How to Create a Visually Pleasing Wall Collage
By Zina Sheya
A good wall collage is made up of assorted sized frames and pictures, as well as a few non-picture items incorporated into the mix. These might include a family poem in a frame or a large metal letter of the family last name.
You can do this without loosing your hair over placement or destroying your walls with nail holes.
Here's a tip:
Gather your frames and trace them on butcher block paper - marking the hanger location on back.
Then, cut them out and tape all those cut outs to the wall in a pattern. This way you can step back and take a look at it. You can move the cutouts over and over again until you have it just the way you like it. Then, hammer your nail where you marked it on the paper, place the frame, and pull the paper off.
About the Author
 | Zina Sheya, Zina Sheya Designs 37863 County Sacramento, CA 95818 916-704-0400
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