Accessories: Uncover the Possibilities!
By Lori Wawczak
Accessories are the finishing touch to any room and your bedroom is certainly no exception! There’s no better room in your home than to accentuate your personality – display your favorite treasurers – show off your family pride! More than any other decorative product you could purchase for your home, your accessories will give each and every room its own distinct personality. They help make your rooms come alive!
I find collecting accessories is a never-ending delight. Whenever and wherever you see something that appeals to you strongly, acquire it if possible, because it will give you pleasure every time you look at it and will add a very personal touch to your home.
Your newly designed bedroom might incorporate a bit more of a romantic touch if you consider displaying accessories that will enhance the mood and overall feeling of your room. Softly glowing candles, beautifully framed family photos, a single rosebud in a crystal vase, even a dish of potpourri, will add to your romantic ambiance.
Finally, the floors! Depending upon what part of the country you’re from, you have a variety of comfortable and decorative flooring options. If colder climates are your forte, then you must definitely consider walking on your bare bedroom floor in the winter. In this case, wall-to-wall carpet is far and away your best choice. Your next best selection would be generously sized area rugs on either side of your bed. And, actually, carpeting in your bedroom can be a bit more luxurious and colorful than elsewhere, because it’s not a high-traffic area, and usually not entered from outdoors. If warmer climates appeal, then your choices of flooring can be a little more varied. Ceramic tile, hardwood floors covered with beautiful – and color coordinated area rugs, would add a wonderful touch of texture and warmth.
So, uncover the possibilities! And last, but not least, remember that your romantic bedroom redecorating project should be an enjoyable adventure. Remember you’re not only making your new room express your personality, but you’re making it more livable and attractive. Any decorating project that involves the world of color, the fabulous furnishings and accessories that are now available, the marvelous materials for floors, walls, windows and beds is an exciting undertaking. And above all remember that you spend more time in your home than anyone else. Be sure your ultimate decorating choices reflect your personality and your unique sense of style.
About the Author
 | Lori Wawczak, Decorating Den Interiors Lockport, IL 60441 815-588-1793
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