Color Quickies
By Lori Wawczak
1. Forget the rule that white will make a space appear larger. White will only reflect the available light. If you have a small room with little light, it will reflect the shadows, making the space more desolate.
2. Select cool colors for a relaxing interior. They tend to slow us down, and give us a calm feeling.
3. Need a little energy? Then warm colors are the ticket because they tend to be very stimulating. Yellow, for instance, is associated with the mind and actually stimulates mental activity i.e., yellow legal paper and yellow Post-It notes.
4. Need a little more balance in your life? Then give green a try. Green is the only color that has no effect on the physical system, because it contains both warmth (from yellow) and coolness (from blue).
5. Bright colors are fast paced. If your life isn't, then adding some bright colors to your surroundings might give your energy a little boost.
The Psychology of Color
Red- Increases the pulse rate, breathing and blood pressure. Because infants and children respond well to red, it's a good color for preschools and child care facilities. Yellow- Yellow can have some negative effects: babies tend to cry more often and longer in yellow rooms. In convalescent homes it can have an affect on minor motor movements.
Blue- Blue causes the brain to send off eleven chemical tranquilizers; it is a wonderful, calming color. However, psychologists advise against using blue where food is served.
Pink- Pink is a good color to use in beauty salons or spas, because it makes us feel prosperous and a little pampered. Pink has also been used effectively in some jail holding cells, because it tends to calm prisoners.
Orchid- Never use this color in elevators, escalators, boats or airplanes, as it tends to be a color that facilitates nausea.
Green- Mother Nature's color. It tones down a sunny room, and calms us in a waiting room.
Peaches and Corals- These colors do wonders for our complexions, and are best used in dress shops, salons and spas.
Gray- The best color for an office as it promotes productivity and stimulates creativity.
Black- Produces a feeling of solidarity and normality.
Call today to let your rooms reflect the mood you want…
About the Author
 | Lori Wawczak, Decorating Den Interiors Lockport, IL 60441 815-588-1793
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