Interior Design with Personality and on a Budget
By Anne-Marie Haynes
Many of my clients have recently begun requesting redesign services, which is an alternative and typically, more cost-effective, Eco-friendly way to achieve a fresh, new interior decor. With today's economy forcing us to make more prudent financial decisions, redesigning is a great compromise to achieving desired results on a budget.
Here are some tips redesigning your own home, or what to expect from a professional designer when the need arises to freshen up your interior decor.
Shop Antique/Resale Furniture Shops
Not only is this a smart, Eco-friendly way to add interest and personality to your decor, it is often more affordable than buying brand new. I am a huge proponent of the green design movement and by utilizing existing furnishings, precious resources are being spared. I love to hunt for the unique and unusual; who wants their home to be a carbon copy of the neighbors, anyway? If you know where to go and who to talk to, pricing is often negotiable and your dollar will go much further.
Take Advantage of Remnants from Fabricators
Whether it's stone, marble, granite or tile, many fabricators have remnants available at considerable discounts. If you have a small area, such as a bathroom vanity, bar or small counter top, this is a great way to update your room and add some personality. Installing such materials is not an impossible DIY project; there are many books and online sources that will walk you through the process. Not only will you gain satisfaction for having done the work yourself, you'll save a bundle on labor costs!
Shop at Habitat for Humanity's ReStore
If you're in the market to update the fixtures in your kitchen or bathroom, Habitat for Humanity's ReStore is a wonderful place to pick up deeply discounted, brand new accessories. You may need to be flexible with finishes, as they don't often carry an entire suite of fixtures, but you'll be able to get rather close. Proceeds go to Habitat for Humanity building awesome!
Organize Your Home and Declutter
How many times I've visited a client's home that is in need of organizational support more so than interior design support! I believe we all should live in a home that is uncluttered and simplified. It's not a matter of ridding yourself of your favorite photos or furnishings but rather, making the most of the space and knowing how to use what your have to its maximum potential. Consolidating family photos to one area, selecting multi-purpose furniture, utilizing baskets and bins to keep the clutter under control and coordinating upholstered pieces can create a more peaceful interior. Try to incorporate a little Feng Shui into your'll be amazed at the revitalized energy!
About the Author
 | Anne-Marie Haynes, AMH & Co., Home Interiors, Inc. Plano, TX 75074 815-793-5248
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