What Do I Do with My Windows?
By Lori Wawczak
I hear this question often. And, because windows vary so much in style, construction and function, they always end up playing an extremely important role in every decorating plan.
Here are some things you need to think about before planning your window treatment design:
1. Function. How is the window being used? Do you need to block outdoor light? Is privacy your priority? Or, do you have a beautiful view that needs capturing?
2. Focal points. Are your windows a natural dramatic architectural feature of your room? If so, you have a built-in focal point, and should plan your treatments accordingly. If not, then consider working with a professional decorator to make your window treatments true show stoppers!
3. Style. What's yours? Casual? Formal? Traditional? Contemporary? Window treatment designs vary greatly by design style, so think about the ultimate style and feeling you’d like to incorporate into their design. 4. Challenges? Are your windows too small? Too large? A carefully designed window treatment can actually be a clever cover-up to any window challenge.
Because there are so many fabulous window treatment design options available today, it's wise to start doing your homework early. Visit model homes, read magazines…start developing your own Window Design Idea File!
And remember, by working with a professional decorator, your window treatments are guaranteed to be the perfect design and function solution!
About the Author
 | Lori Wawczak, Decorating Den Interiors Lockport, IL 60441 815-588-1793
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